
Sustainability: our belief, our commitment, our pride

A story of our investments and successes in the field of environmental sustainability.

We are pleased and proud to present this document to you: a story of our investments and successes in the field of environmental sustainability. 

We are a 100% Italian company, leader of the cork industry. Nature is our home, something really precious, and it is around nature that we developed our world. This is why we take care of it every day, keeping our impact on the environment to a minimum and defining clear, concrete and achievable objectives.


We want to be an example of virtuous development able to defend and protect the world that surrounds us. We have tried to go further than the common concept of sustainability, striving to create a real social sustainability, which improves the quality of the business by meeting the needs of a new ethical and more aware modality of doing business.

The main areas of intervention in which we are working are:
– renewable energies
– machinery efficiency
– recycling of waste materials
– safeguard of the cork oak stands

“Respect for nature, for its rhythms and dynamics, continuous research to have a minimal impact on the environment, the definition of clear, concrete environmental and reachable sustainability aims: this, for us, means to be sustainable. Environmental protection and company development have to grow together, step by step” these are the words of Paolo Molinas, sales manager at Sugherificio Molinas Spa.

Discover our successes and our investments inthe field of environmental sustainability: download the document.

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